Monday, August 29, 2011

Video Studio

Here is a picture of my "studio" where I filmed my book trailer.  As you can see it is just a desk in front of bookshelves as props, and a $200 video camera, with a cheap microphone.  Then I used iMovie (mac) to edit and produce the film, with a little help from my friends.


I finally got my book trailer (as opposed to a movie trailer) up on youtube... next I put it up on, etc...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Spam Books

Too many people are pretending to be "authors" and just throwing up books onto Amazon and Kindle, and some of it makes customers just throw up.

It will sort itself out, but this is exactly the kind of problem where in the past the state jumps in, too early.  When telephone companies open on every corner,  New York began to look like it would be buried in telephone lines, something like Vietnam today.

 It is likely someone will ask the government to "do something."  Hope not, it'll sort itself out.