Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spotting a Teaching and Writing Opportunity

I am somewhat familiar with HK PolyTech, and have a high opinion of the school.  Here is an article on their apparel design graduating class, with one cryptic section:
Approaching the end of the MA program at Poly U, Wilfred said he learned things not taught in a classroom, such as finding material sources, managing budgets and deadlines, etc.
Well, what does that mean?  That the program is short in these areas, and he found what he needed outside the program?   Or the program leaves that until the very end?  I suspect the former.

If one loved the fashion business, or one loved the part of business involved with sourcing, accounting and project management, then there is an opportunity to teach and write... and no doubt plenty of other technical programs skip this step, such as welding programs.

Google will feed you articles limited to keywords you choose, and in this case having google feed you articles with words school project management accounting (maybe that would bring in too many articles) sourcing would lead to teaching opportunities.

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