Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Dr. North is offering this strategy for writing, one I recommend in the book, but only add that I cite all who contribute a correction.

I always release pre-publication PDF versions of my books to subscribers. I challenge them to find typographical errors. They find hundreds. This costs me almost nothing. Then I print the book.
With print-on-demand, I can update easily. But I put in the date of each updated version, so that future readers will know which edition is authoritative: the last one before I died.
I rarely get suggestions for changes in my arguments. Readers confine themselves to verifiable errors: spelling, grammar, dates, etc. Maybe someone says a section is not clear. But this is rare. I like to think this is because I write clearly.
I do get criticisms for my rhetoric: too confrontational. I always ignore this. Confrontation is my style. 

For another good writing and teaching idea of Dr. North's, with his good admission it is marketing, not control that matters can be had here.

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