Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Brown v Accreditation

Former senator Hank Brown demonstrates how USA education has been in decline as accreditation has been ascendant. With all of the accredited risible schools out there, the accreditors are going after UV:

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni recently filed a complaint with the Department of Education decrying SACS's interference with the University of Virginia governance powers and processes established by Thomas Jefferson himself. Anyone who knows American history, and regrettably few students do, would realize that Jefferson would be mighty upset to learn that a bunch of federally empowered bureaucrats are overstepping their authority and interfering with the internal governance of his university.

And this is very odd.  At City College of San Francisco, serving people since 1900, is under attack for not having enough administrators, according to the accreditors. How would they know?  By what metric do they measure this?

It is time for the University of Virginia and presidents and boards across the country to say no to this meddling, and it is time Congress recognizes what a failure the system of accreditation has been. Over the years, accreditation has increased costs without protecting quality. A new, transparent system of quality assurance is needed to protect the public—before it's too late.

The solution is to return to the system in which the students pay the instructors directly, and rate their instructors online for all to view.  There is but that is the wrong approach with confidential reviews which are too often poison pen letters.  A rating system would have to be by adults who sign their names to the review and verified they actually took the course.

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