Saturday, March 2, 2013

Student Loans Slow Moving Train Wreck

Here is a data round-up on student loan debt.    here is the summary:

Higher education is an important investment among young
workers for better jobs and higher income, but it is
accompanied with a growing student debt burden

OK.. we see the train wreck in progress, and what to do about it.  As far as I can see, the only entity that is addressing the problem in any meaningful way is  Wait, wait... that's me!

That may sound a little nutsy, but the fact is education is NOT a business, and it is NOT a state function.    Education is an economic event, but it is not a market event.  So it falls into that category best served by co-ops, with those who "fall through the cracks" being assisted by charity.  Neither the market nor the state should ever get involved with charity.

No putative "education leader" understands this, so there is no solution on the horizon, except SeattleTeachersCollege.NET.

At some time and place, the right group of people will gather, this will launch, and become the way education is delivered.  An education at least as good as anything Harvard or Stanford puts out, but one as student can pay for out of his own pocket, what we had only 40 years ago, but was inherently unstable since it was state-provisioned.

Analysis ofStudent Loan Debt by

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