Sunday, April 28, 2013

Why You need to make Your Course Free on youtube

Here is a common enough email...

Dear John,

After watching all of your videos (Some of them many times) I realized I MUST take your course. Thank you so much for providing humanity with such immensely valuable content and at no cost. I find your insights into economy and your way of teaching absolutely genius.

Anyway, I currently live in Barcelona, Spain and am trying to get an import/export business going and I really really want to take your class, but it would be realistically impossible to attend live sessions at 7-9PM with a +8hr time difference. What do you advise? How much would I miss without the sessions? Or is there an alternative?

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,


Your youtubes sell your class. Some 50% of google searches end up on youtube, and google put youtubes high on searches because the front run the videos with ads from which they make money.

I learned from Gary North.

1 comment:

  1. I must admit I also decided to take his online course after I saw his youtube videos.

    Thanks for everything John. Greetings from Chile, southamerica.

